4de octubre 2016
Omega 3
4de octubre 2016
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Food supplement based on carnitine tartrate.

SKU: Carnitina. Category: .

Presentación: 120 capsules. Peso neto: 173 gramo. Recommended
daily dose: 2 capsules. Food supplement based on carnitine
tartrate. Direcciones: Take 1 capsule at breakfast and 1 capsule
before training. ingredientes: L-carnitine tartrate, anti-caking
agents (E-470b and E-504) and rice flour. Capsule (gelatin and
colour E-171). Puede contener trazas de gluten, egg, fish, soy and
Batch / Best before end: vea el embalaje
Advertencia: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute
for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not
exceed the stated recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach
of young children. Guardar bien cerrado en un lugar fresco y seco.

Información Adicional,en
Peso 0.173 kg